Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blue team - Wesnoth campaign review

For the first, I had troubles with starting the game. I got all the game date from SVN and tried to run it. As we understood in developing wesnoth campaign, that campaign data has to be copied under My Games folder, but with this version it didn't work, so I was forced to try copy it under game source files. After doing so I still got weird map loading error:

So I could not start the game at all...
Then I noticed that the blue team campaign was written for beeta version (shame).
So I downloaded beeta and installed it to another location and tried to run the game again.
And I succeeded this time, and got it working.

The team has put lot of effort in creating the Campaign texts and story. The story is nicely described and creates interest to play it.

In first scenario I really liked that you had to find the path through the woods. I also liked the autorecruit, and I wonder how it is coded. I was asked to find the path in this scenario. I really found it is frustrating just putting your characters to move forward. So i didn't much first scenario. Finally I made it to the end in somekind of a little town. The map was nicely designed though!

In second scenario I need to found elven allie to win enemy. I explored map with the scrappy and finally found the elven allie. Though I couldn't move the elf and my chars scrappy and icky were killed, and I need to start over.

Next time I already knew how to play first scenario, so it was quick and easy.
So I reached the second level again, but never finished the game, I couldn't move the elf again...

For the comment I have to say, that game design, map design and story were really good, but I didn't like the understandment with the characters so I couldn't finish the game.

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